Dorian Clair Antique Clock Repair
(415) 648-8680
My name is Dorian Clair, and I have been repairing antique clocks for over 62 years.
Dorian Clair with clocks in the background
Dorian Clair with clocks in the background
I repair a clock by completely disassembling and cleaning all of its components. I polish all the wear surfaces, and replace any material in the clock that may have worn down. When a part is missing or damaged beyond repair, I machine a replacement part from scratch. I have lathes, a milling machine, and other tools- I can make almost anything, including gears. After making a clock mechanically complete, I clean all of its parts one last time, and then perform a final assembly and lubrication. I test every clock for several weeks before releasing it from my shop.
Free Consultation & Estimate
1301 Sanchez Street, San Francisco, CA, 94131
Usually open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm.
(Call before you visit, to make sure we are open.)

Copyright 2016 by Dorian Clair. All rights reserved.